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33c Expression-Comprehension (D. Gavin)

Catégorie de coursL2 LEA

L2 LLCER.   33c Expression-compréhension. 2020   Teacher: Dominic Gavin / dominic.gavin@univ-tln.fr   Room Y1.207   In the first half of the semester we will look at aspects of English grammar including phrasal verbs, idioms and modal verbs (‘I should,’ ‘I might’ etc).   In the rest of the semester we will practice listening and writing responses to the listening exercises. There will be two in-class tests, which together count to 80% of your final grade. I will let you know the date and details of the first test but it will be around the mid-term break.   The remaining 20% of your grade will be based on class participation, and this includes some homework online.   Here are some websites that could be useful to you.   https://www.americanrhetoric.com/moviespeeches.htm https://lyricstraining.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/ https://www.engvid.com/ https://www.ted.com/talks https://www.vocable.fr/

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