Enrolment options

TU12 Marine environment – Fundamental principles of marine and coastal processes (Y. Oumieres)

Course categoryM1 ISC Commun

Objectives: The main objectives of this course are (i) provide a general background in the field of marine sciences , (ii) introduce the basics of fluid mechanics applied to the ocean, (iii) provide the main dynamical solutions in a coastal environment (iv) provide a specific focus on wave dynamics (v) provide insights on modern oceanography products (numerical products, ocean databases) Contents: - General background on the marine physical environment - Fluid mechanics: Euler equation, general equations based on the ocean and atmospheric forces analysis. Notions of fluid turbulence. - Analytical solutions in coastal environment: Ekman solution / wind induced currents, inertial oscillations, tides, specific coastal processes : upwelling, downwelling, buoyancy currents, river plumes - Waves dynamics : waves induced current and pressure, stokes solutions, notion on the wave spectral approach for wave forecasting - Modern oceanography : existing numerical products, forecasting structures, ocean observations databases, data formats Practical Work: - dedicated sessions for analytical calculations on coastal currents and waves currents - practical work on ocean data processing, numerical format, ocean visualization tools, ocean databases. (using ad-hoc computer softwares)

Enseignant: OURMIERES Yann
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