Enrolment options

K5IR843D/K5IR85UE - Entrepreneurship - Industry and research project (V. Chauvet)

Course categoryM1 ISC MIR

Course objectives: The goal of this course is to develop the necessary skills of the business entrepreneur, to generate and evaluate innovative ideas, to develop and materialize innovation in products and services, and to structure a business plan to incubate and explore technology based innovation. This teaching is voluntarily oriented towards the acquisition of specific knowledge of market mechanisms, financing, and management. Main concepts, theories and mechanisms of entrepreneurship and innovation will be studied to offer a broad view of the strategic role of innovation. Technological trajectories, the concept of open innovation, the innovation process, the diffusion of innovation and new business models and markets segments will be approached. 

Course description: This course is focused on entrepreneurship and innovation, what it is (or not), how it appears (“search” & “select”), and how it can be managed (“implement” and “capture”). The course is committed to providing an opportunity to learn to use some tools and news ways of thinking which are better suited to addressing complex problems and opportunities inherent in organizations today. In terms of method, the course will promote interactions between students and the professor. During classroom sessions, students will participate and sometimes work in groups to answer specific questions, and discuss what they have learned. Concepts and ideas will be illustrated with concrete examples and some press releases. Using learning by doing methods, students will be taught business planning, particularly focusing on innovation projects. Students will develop a value and propose an elevator pitch. They will also put into practice the knowledge acquired through case studies.

 Key skills acquired:  After completing this course, the students will be able to:

 1. Understand the ins and outs of an entrepreneurial approach 

 2. Differentiate the different types of business plan

 3. Develop a business plan

 4. Create an innovative value proposition 

 5. Present a project using professional presentation skills

Enseignant: CHAUVET Vincent
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