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Business English. L2.S3 (E. Gros)


Marketing is like cooking. Like cooks, marketers take different ingredients and mix them together in creative ways to make new things. When the marketer gets the mix right, the result will be a product or service that customers will buy. This semester in Business English, we will cover the concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix. In this course, we’ll look at Marketing Tools and Practices that lead to a solid Market Positioning. By the end of the semester, you will draft your Marketing Mix to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a (innovative) product that you will try to convince me (the prospect) to adopt. 

Key Concepts covered this semester :

Marketing, Brand Positioning, Marketing Mix, Consumption Habits, Market Segmentation, VALS framework, Brand identity, Unique Selling Proposition/Point, Flagship Product/Service, Product life cycle, Customer pain points, Loyalty ladder, Distribution Channels, Customer Segmentation.