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Monde des affaires Anglais (D. Gavin)

Catégorie de coursL3 LEA

The course looks at some of the basic topics of business and marketing from the point of view of language skills. We will use a variety of means to practice business English. These include reading press articles and watching videos, class discussion and role-play, and quizzes on contextual vocabulary (such as British versus American English). Students will also be encouraged to consider business practices from the cultural angle; we will focus in particular on the differences between the business world in France and in English-speaking countries. Presentations on topics chosen by the students will be part of your grade. Contrôle des connaissances : Continuous assessment in the form of two written exams during the semester (80 per cent), and assessment of participation (20 per cent). Participation will be measured by contributions in class and presentations that students will give in the course of the semester. If for some reason students don’t wish to speak in front of the class then they may do it outside class. Nevertheless presentation skills are techniques that you are meant to be acquiring while you practice the language of business.

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