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UE13d - LLCER Espagnol1.S1 - LVA Anglais (D. Bensimhon)

Catégorie de coursL1 LLCER Espagnol

This general English course gives learners clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video that helps learners to communicate effectively in the real world.

B2 is an independent user level (advanced or independent)

This means that you have the following capabilities:

  • Understand the essential content of concrete or abstract subjects in a complex text, including technical discussion in its specialty
  • Communicating spontaneously and easily with a native speaker
  • Express a clear and detailed opinion on a wide range of topics, express an opinion on a topical issue and set out the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

Enseignant: BENSIMHON David
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