ECU 1 Introduction to strategic management of firms

Understanding of the key concerns of strategic management.  Knowing the mains tools used in strategy and quality management. Being able to make both internal and external diagnosis of small firms.

Enseignant: HENRY Karine

ECU 2 Competitive Intelligence

UCV Hanoi  English course

Bachelor’s Degree in Management of organisations (vocational education), speciality Conduct of projects and Human Resources Management

Enseignant: HENRY Karine

ECU 3 Understanding of the economic environment and of the labour market

Use the good techniques of job search to facilitate your professionnal integration

Know your labour market

Find your training course to increase your employability

ECU 14 Tools for Project Management

Identify the needs of the tools for project management  and implement them

Enseignant: HENRY Karine

ECU 15 Group dynamics and management of project teams

Managing a project team (animation, negociation and conflict management)

- Assessing and develop group collective competencies

- Develop project manager’s leadership

Enseignant: HENRY Karine

ECU 16 Financial Management Project

Know the informational tools and operational Financial Management Project (assessing the profitability of an investment project, assess its impact on the need for working capital and cash flow of the company, to build a financial plan)

- Develop a rigorous methodology to assess the consistency of project development and financing policies undertaken by firms (know how to finance a project or an investment program, develop and operate a business plan ).

Enseignant: HENRY Karine