M2 Anglais (C. Genieys)

Course categoryCours communs Masters

Page du cours des M2 ayant cours avec Miss Genieys 

Enseignant: GENIEYS Claire

M1 Anglais (C. Genieys)

Course categoryCours communs Masters

Page des groupes de M1 ayant cours avec Miss Genieys 

Enseignant: GENIEYS Claire

M1 S2 - Anglais (C. Chagnon)

Course categoryCours communs Masters

This semester will be devoted to English for the working world and the tekkie world. Not only will we go through the ways to communicate within the world of work but we will also have a look at the basic of technical and scientific English.

Enseignant: CHAGNON Cecile

M1 S1/S2 - Anglais (C. Chagnon) - 1ère partie

Course categoryCours communs Masters

This semester in English will be dedicated to English in the working world, more precisely this type of English you will need to get hired (CV, cover letters, interviews) or to e-mail or telephone.

Enseignant: CHAGNON Cecile

ANGLAIS Master 2 (Isabelle Richard)

Course categoryCours communs Masters

Master 2

Formation en anglais à l'attention des étudiants de MASTER 2


Enseignant: RICHARD Isabelle

English Master 1 - advanced (T. Vranckx)

Course categoryCours communs Masters

Advanced English classes for the master 1 students of the UFR sciences-tech (groups 1 and 2) - documents used in class and links to vocabulary lists

Enseignant: VRANCKX Tanguy