ECUE 56b3 - Conduite de Visite (C. Rocca)
UE55a - Communication interculturelle (M. Lushchenko)
This course addresses and critically analyzes communication as a culturally and individually constructed and ever-changing concept where we will dispel myths about communication as “natural,” “innate,” and “fixed” and explore communication and exchanges in conjunction with analyses of nationality, class, culture and gender. This course will interrogate how cultures and communication styles shape or influence tourists’ actions and business or management strategic choices.
ECUE 65a - Consumption behaviour (M. lushchenko)
The course covers the major topics of consumer behavior, including attitudes, impulsive vs. deliberative purchase, psychographic profiling and assessment, brand loyalty, customer’s pain points, experiential marketing, self and identity, and product satisfaction.
ECUE 66a - Leisure Management (M. Lushchenko)
This course introduces students to the concept of leisure, the field of leisure studies, and basic definitions/concepts. Students will proceed to an internal analysis of a company's internal components, both tangible and intangible, such as resources, assets and processes.
ECUE 64b - Local Areas Management (M. Lushchenko)
This course will examine the impacts that tourism has on local communities and the influence of visitors’ expectations on local public management and policies. The students will also proceed to a competitive environment analysis or external analysis, which is key to identifying your competitors, understanding their strategies, and in due course overtaking them.
ECUE 62a - Social Network Management (M. Lushchenko)
This course addresses the importance of social media in the Leisure industry, emphasizing the role media management should play in modern touristic structures. Students will concentrate on the challenging aspects of social media management. Assignments will encourage students to explore both the positive and negative aspects of social media in leisure practices. How and Why do you use Social Media to sell?
ECUE 65a - Consumption and behaviour (M. Lushchenko)
The course covers the major topics of consumer behavior, including attitudes, impulsive vs. deliberative purchase, psychographic profiling and assessment, brand loyalty, customer’s pain points, experiential marketing, self and identity, and product satisfaction.
Spring. Consumer Behavior. Lpro. (E. Gros)
Rationale An essential component of marketing –and specifically for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry - is consumer insight – both the obvious needs and wants that are on the surface of conscious thought, but also the deeper, possibly unconscious motives that drive human behavior at an implicit level.Purpose of the CourseThe course covers the major topics of consumer behavior, including attitudes, impulsive vs. deliberative purchase, psychographic profiling and assessment, brand loyalty, customer’s pain points, experiential marketing, self and identity, and product satisfaction
RationaleAnalyzing your company's external environment is a critical step in preparing a strategic plan. This is a complex task because it involves collecting a variety of data to get an accurate picture of the situation. Based on this analysis, the company can then make sound decisions to further its growth. Purpose of the Course This course will cover the following issue: HOW well do your compete ? WHAT is your competitive environment and advantage? (External analysis). This course will examine the impacts that tourism has on local communities and the influence of visitors’ expectations on local public management and policies. The students will also proceed to a competitive environment analysis or external analysis, which is key to identifying your competitors, understanding their strategies, and in due course overtaking them. The premise for this course is that if you know your weaknesses versus the competition, you can make adjustments accordingly. When you know your strengths, you can build on them, emphasize them, and make your offer unique
55a. LPro Tourisme. Communication Interculturelle (M. Lushchenko)
This course will interrogate how cultures and communication styles shape or influence tourists’ actions and business or management strategic choices.
ECUE 55c - Chinois LV3
56b1 oenotourisme - Histoire du vin (B. Griffon)
Licence PRO. SPRING. Leisure Practices ( E. Gros)
Course Objective:a) Introduce students to the concept of leisure, the field of leisure studies, and basic definitions/concepts. b) Identify some research questions that are generated by the field. c) Introduce students to a corporate audit of a structure in the field of Hospitality.
SPRING. Social Network Management. Licence PRO Tourisme. (E. Gros)
This course addresses the importance of social media in the Leisure industry, emphasizing the role media management should play in modern touristic structures. Students will concentrate on the challenging aspects of social media management. Assignments will encourage students to explore both the positive and negative aspects of social media in leisure practices. How do you use Social Media to sell?
UE 62 Social Network Management (N. Massoulier)
Plateforme de ressources pour les cours de Social Network Management et Business English
UE 57 Projet Tutoré (O. Saissi)
Recensement des capsules video réalisées dans le cadre des projets tutorés de l'année 2020 - 2021
ECUE 54.3 Géographie (O. Saissi)
ECUE 54 1 Géopolitique du tourisme (O. Saissi)
LP Métiers du tourisme et des loisirs GTID Communication interculturelle anglais (A. Mexis)
.Approche de la civilisation nord-américaine et découverte de ses spécificités touristiques par villes ou régions. Recherches sur sites dédiés au tourisme aux USA et au Canada.Propositions de visites, séjours organisés de ces lieux par les étudiants sous forme de mises en situation: présentation orale avec powerpoint + discussion
55.2 espagnol niveau 2 (LA. Leylavergne)
Licence Pro Tourisme
Espagnol pour la Licence Pro Tourisme (LA. Leylavergne)
Espagnol pour la Licence Pro Tourisme
Communication et TIC ECUE 56d (C. Rocca)
La communication touristiquePrésentation des différentes approches de la communication touristique. Etudes de différentes publicités liées au tourisme.Analyse et critique des publicités liées au tourisme alternatif et, de façon plus générale, au durable.
ECUE 56a3 Conduite de visites (C. Rocca)
La réalisation des visites guidées
Typologie Présentation des patrimoines et des différentes composantes des visites de groupes Cadre technique Réalisation de visites sous forme de tableaux
UE 52 Management Durable•Gestion des ressources humaines (JM- Rodriguez)
PORTUGAIS LP Tourisme (M. De Olivera Gabriel)
ECUE 61a atrimony and culture (E. Giordano)
ECUE 64a Sustainable touristic development (E. Giordano)
ECUE 56a2 Territoires Français (C. Maire)
Le marketing touristique territorial est abordé à l'aide d'études de cas ; les sujets abordés sont : la découverte du marketing territorial touristique, la démarche marketing, la notion et le rôle des clusters, la gestion de la marque, la gestion numérique de la destination. Les cas étudiés sont par exemple : Saint-Jean-de Monts, Dax, Provence art de vivre, Val Thorens, les marques Bretagne et OnlyLyon, etc.
ECUE- 54b- Innovations Touristiques Durables (E. Giordano)
Géopolitique (O. Saissi)
Documents annexes du cours de géopolitique du tourisme.
Sociologie du tourisme (O. Saissi)
Documents annexes présentés en cours de sociologie du tourisme.
Cours de "Leisure Practices" (E. Gros)
This course addresses the concepts of leisure, play, and recreation, emphasizing the role leisure should play in modern society. Lectures and discussions on societal attitudes toward leisure stresses the need to keep these in proper perspective. Students will concentrate on the psychological aspects of optimal experience and quality of life. Community leisure services will be addressed. Assignments will encourage students to explore leisure lifestyle attitudes Course objectives, and learning outcomes:
- a) Introduce students to the concept of leisure, the field of leisure studies, and basic definitions/concepts.
- b) Identify some research questions that are generated by the field.
- c) Introduce students to what social scientists have to say about leisure, the leisure industry, marketing, Sustainable Leisure practices.